Mbody Live 3 App is available for downloading from App Store

Mbody Live 3 enables you to track your muscle performance – in real time, in real environment, and in real activities. It is a muscle tracker software with the most comprehensive information on your athletic performance: muscle load, heart rate, speed, cadence, route etc. Explore a totally new dimension in sports & exercise analysis. New Features: …

Myontec side-event “The use of Mbody in professional football” during XXVI International Conference on Sports Rehabilitation and Traumatology in Barcelona

During the XXVI International Conference on Sports Rehabilitation and Traumatology “The Future of Football Medicine” http://www.footballmedicinestrategies.com/en/ that starts already in a couple of days in Barcelona, Myontec will hold its own side-event devoted to the use of Mbody in profeccional football.


Louhevaara V. 28 Dec 2014 Ergonomics Ergonomics (human factors) is the scientific discipline focused on the understanding of interactions among humans and other elements of a system in order to optimize human well-being and performance and output of the system. Ergonomics is a multidisciplinary field having contributions from psychology, engineering, biomechanics, industrial design, physiology, and …

Myontec presents a new mobile App Mbody Live 3.0 at VIP sports and tech event in LA, USA

Today, March 2 Myontec launched a totally new Mbody Live mobile application at VIP sports and tech event in Carson, CA at the StubHub center, Los Angeles, USA

Mbody Live mobile application incorporates a unique technology created and designed for everyday sport enthusiasts and professional athletes helping them to achieve their goals and reduce risks of potential injury. Mbody Live provides a real-time performance analysis regardless of the environment or the type of sport.

2017’s Top Social Media Phenomenon Continues: Myontec Technologies in the Next Episode of Dudeson’s Hit Series

In the Extreme Triathlon, the daredevils try to keep calm while swimming in an icy river, plunging head-first down stacks of hay bales and riding bicycles over 40-foot tall shipping containers. Their antics are monitored using Finnish sports technology: Myontec’s smart pants, Suunto’s athletic watches and Firstbeat’s heart rate sensors.

Finnish Daredevils The Dudesons Take Their Country’s Innovations to the Extreme

We are looking forward to see the episode involving Mbody technology in The Dudesons extreme triathlon in a new video series, titled “Meanwhile in Finland…”!!!!
The Dudesons and Tekes, the Finnish Funding Agency for Innovations, have joined forces to bring Finnish innovations to the world’s attention. In a new video series, titled “Meanwhile in Finland…”, The Dudesons demonstrate Finnish innovations through extreme stunts.

Setanta College is using Mbody

Setanta College is using Mbody during a dedicated week of theory and practical lectures in their SportsLab facility in Thurles, Co. Tipperary. Setanta College is providing courses and qualifications in Performance Science, Personal Training, Strength and Conditioning, Sport Technology and general Fitness and Well-being. They also license their content to Universities for full time degree and masters study and deliver programmes directly online via international partners through out the world, including World Rugby.


“No pain – No gain”. In sports science, your body needs supercompensation during the post training period. After that you have gained higher performance capacity than it was prior to the training period. But where are the limits between overloading vs. non-progressive training? Without supercompensation there are no positive results. On the other end there is the risk for overtraining.