Pekka Tolvanen, Founder of Myontec is presenting ErgoAnalysis™ concept at IDTechEx April 10 – 11, 2019 in Estrel Convention Center, Berlin, Germany. Myontec is using ErgoAnalysis™ concept to provide valuable information to various industry to reduce problems caused by musculoskeletal disorders and other occupational health issues. Meet us in Berlin!


Tutkimusinsinööri Risto Toivonen Suomen ergonomiapalvelu Oy:stä käsittelee älyvaatteiden käyttöä työn kuormittavuuden arvioinnissa Työterveys- ja työturvallisuusalan koulutuspäivillä otsikolla Älyvaateteknologian mahdollisuudet työn kuormittavuuden tutkimuksessa ja arvioinnissa. Myontecin Ergoanalyysi on keskeisenä esimerkkinä uusista innovaatioista. Myontecin älyvaatteet mahdollistavat työn kuormituksen mittaamisen objektiivisesti mahdollistaen paremman työergonomian kehittämisen ja työkyvyn parantamisen. Suomen Työterveyslääkärit ry:n järjestämillä koulutuspäivillä paneudutaan työelämän muutoksiin otsikolla Työelämä muuttuu, pysytkö mukana? Koulutuspäivät …

Familiarize with our joint ergonomic project with VARMA

Familiarize with our joint ergonomic project with VARMA – Finnish insurance company. See the video! “IMPROVING WORK PERFORMANCE AND SAFETY WITH MUSCLE LOAD MEASUREMENT” Myontec intelligent clothing can measure muscle activity regardless of location. In this pilot, muscular load measurement is intended to improve employees working days, and find information on improving work quality and optimize …

Next stop Japan! Sports Business Expo Tokyo Feb. 21-23

See you in Booth No.:12-45!!! As Japan’s only trade show specialized in the sport business industry, the show offers direct access to a wide range of services for sports teams, audience, athletes and sports facilities, as well as the latest products using AI, VR and IT technologies. It is the must-attend show for sports marketing …

We Are Hiring! Mobile developer (Kuopio office)

We are looking for a Mobile Developer (Kuopio office) – Open Position! Do you want to be part of an innovative company that is changing the future of sports technology and HealthCare? If so, we have an open Mobile developer position for you in Myontec. Myontec is looking for a Mobile Developer to be actively working …

Meet us in Smash on November 28th-29th, 2017 in Helsinki

Smash is a new official Slush side-event, dedicated to sport, technology and start-ups. Smash is an arena for curiosity, meeting and developing, where new perspectives, ideas and partners are waiting to be found. The arena caters for all sport, from elite sports to keeping fit as well as for spectators. At Smash we develop sports and technology in an appropriate form of co-operation.
Smash takes place on November 28th-29th, 2017 in Helsinki, Finland.